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5 / 5
Exceptional Service and Great Value!
投稿者 Michael 場所 Chicago
Exceptional service! It's clear that great service is a high-priority with those that work at this facility. They do a great job being there when you need them, and their response time to any request is excellent. They don't bother you, they're simply their precisely when you need them.
The rooms are very nice and certainly large enough for any business traveler. Again, service is excellent, including room service. The breakfast buffet is as good as any. I travel frequently and have for a couple of decades, and yes, it is just a breakfast buffet; although, it's one of the best. Omelette bar is really good w/ loads of fresh vegetables, juices, cold cuts, bread(s) and excellent pastries that are brought to the table via waiter or waitress for you to choose from.
Excellent value! Completely recommended for any business traveler.
Dear Michael,
Thank you for your thoughts on your recent stay with us.
Our team is reading your review with excitement. We appreciate your positive notes on our services and facilities. Daily our team will give their utmost best to go above and beyond each guest expectations. We are very delighted to hear that you encountered a positive experiences.
We thank you for your loyalty staying with us and if your schedule brings you back to Hanoi please let us know.
Best regards,
Erik Daniels
Director or Rooms
InterContinental Hanoi Westlake
プルイト シティゲートはジャカルタのスマートインターナショナルホテルです。朝食と Wi-Fi を無料でご提供しております。 ホリデー イン エクスプレス ジャカルタ プルイト シティゲートは、人気のライフスタイル・ショッピング施設である エンポリウム プルイット モール に隣接するインターナショナルホテルです。レジャーやビジネスでお越しのお客様に、手ごろな料金でリラックスできる寛ぎの滞在をご提供いたします。 ジャカルタ市内の最高のショッピング、ダイニング、そして、活気のあふれるナイトライフスポットに容易にアクセスできる素晴らしいロケーションです。 スカルノ・ハッタ国際空港 からわずか 18 Km の距離です。また、人気の ウォーター ボム パンタイ インダ カプック、マンガ ドゥア ショッピングセンター、アンチョール テーマパーク、そして、バタヴィア時代が感じられる旧市街地 までお車で直ぐの距離です。また、プルイット中央ビジネス地区も近いので、お仕事でのご滞在の拠点として大変便利です。 客室は合計 297 室あります。各客室には、快適にお過ごしいただくために必要なすべての設備が備わっています。一日の始まりに、 無料エクスプレス スタート ブレックファースト 、または、「Grab & Go(グラッブ & ゴー)」オプションをお楽しみください。また、 ホテル全館で Wi-Fi を無料でご利用いただけます 。レジャーや会議で長い一日を過ごした後には、高品質の寝具でぐっすりとお休みいただけます。枕はソフトタイプとファームタイプからお選びいただけます。館内には、会議室 3 室、フィットネスルーム、24 時間ご利用いただけるインターネットステーション、セルフサービスのランドリールームの施設がございます。ご自分の思うがままに実り多い滞在をお楽しみいただけます。
5 / 5
Value for Money, great location, comfortable bed and great services
投稿者 Mel0823 場所 Singapore
Thumbs Up!
Hotel staff are very friendly and efficient.
Bed is comfortable and internet connection was very good. Location is connected to big shopping mall and close to highway to airport and to west Java (Cibitung/Cikarang area). Taxi pool just outside the hotel - always easy to get taxi. Bed is comfortable and room size is good. Very happy and will come back for sure
Dear Mel0823,
We are pleased to find out that you have been benefited by our strategic location which is adjacent to emporium Mall and near to the airport.
Thank you very much for taking some of your precious time to review your recent stay at Holiday Inn Express Jakarta Pluit Citygate.
You could believe that i will share with all team your feedback and it will become a motivator to keep improving in serving you better.
Your compliment also has been passed to all the staff, which would motivate our team to keep up with the services given.
Look forward to bringing you another great experience during all your future stay with us.
Stay Smart with us!
Sincere regards,
Lidya Libertina
General Manager, Holiday Inn Express Jakarta Pluit Citygate
5 / 5
highly recommend
投稿者 susie144 場所 los angeles, CA
the overall venue and ambience was delightful. I think that the buffet breakfast was most likely the best/highest quality/diverse that I experience out of all the other cities we visited in Vietnam
Dear Susie144,
Thank you so much for sharing with us your experience during your recent stay.
Your kind comments related to the food selection at breakfast are welcome.
Thank for your loyalty and and we look forward to your next visit.
Best regards,
Erik Daniels
Director of Rooms
InterContinental Hanoi Westlake
Strategically located at Jalan Lembong, which is connected to Jalan Asia Afrika, Jalan Braga and Jalan Merdeka, Crowne Plaza® Bandung represents the city as a business and tourist destination. The location is also within close proximity to the city’s business, government, historical, entertainment and shopping centres. The Crowne Plaza Bandung is a short five-minute walk from the historical site and Bandung City Landmark. Start exploring the surrounding by walking along Jalan Asia Afrika, starting from Jalan Tamblong and going through Jalan Braga. Stop by to taste, or even better bring home, Bandung’s all-time traditional culinary favourites, such as Batagor Kingsley, Pisang Bolen Kartika Sari, Sambal Hejo Natuna, and Sweet Cantina Ice Cream, which sells ice cream and cookies that are quite popular among young people. If you need a play space for your children, you can walk 500 metres to the city park. Taman Vanda and Taman Balai Kota Bandung are among the many parks in town that are kid-friendly. After spending time enjoying the atmosphere of Bandung, head back to the hotel, where you will be assisted by Jaka, the Digital Concierge, that will provide for your various needs during your stay at Crowne Plaza Bandung. You can also access information about the hotel, and order food, beverages and other room services.
5 / 5
Great room
投稿者 CadTri 場所 Melbourne
Don't like the pillow. looks pluffy but Flat when sleep on it ☹️
Breakfast buffet didn't have bacon!
Dear CadTri,
Warm greetings from Crowne Plaza Bandung,
Thank you for taking your valuable time to provide positive feedback on IHG guest review. We always strive to provide the best service to our guests and we really appreciate your feedback regarding your recent visit at our hotel.
Please also accept our sincerest apologies for the disturbance you have experienced during your stay regarding the pillow and the breakfast menu. Rest assure that the action for improvement has been taken to avoid such issues in the future, so we can continue to improve our services, quality, and facilities.
Dear CadTri, we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back at Crowne Plaza Bandung so that we can provide you a better experience. Once again thank you for staying with us and please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any special preference regarding your future stay.
Alvin Jaiyaseelan
General Manager
Strategically located at Jalan Lembong, which is connected to Jalan Asia Afrika, Jalan Braga and Jalan Merdeka, Crowne Plaza® Bandung represents the city as a business and tourist destination. The location is also within close proximity to the city’s business, government, historical, entertainment and shopping centres. The Crowne Plaza Bandung is a short five-minute walk from the historical site and Bandung City Landmark. Start exploring the surrounding by walking along Jalan Asia Afrika, starting from Jalan Tamblong and going through Jalan Braga. Stop by to taste, or even better bring home, Bandung’s all-time traditional culinary favourites, such as Batagor Kingsley, Pisang Bolen Kartika Sari, Sambal Hejo Natuna, and Sweet Cantina Ice Cream, which sells ice cream and cookies that are quite popular among young people. If you need a play space for your children, you can walk 500 metres to the city park. Taman Vanda and Taman Balai Kota Bandung are among the many parks in town that are kid-friendly. After spending time enjoying the atmosphere of Bandung, head back to the hotel, where you will be assisted by Jaka, the Digital Concierge, that will provide for your various needs during your stay at Crowne Plaza Bandung. You can also access information about the hotel, and order food, beverages and other room services.
5 / 5
投稿者 SHIMESABA 場所 東京
当ホテルのレビューを投稿いただき誠にありがとうございました。当ホテルでのご滞在をお楽しみいただけたとのこと、大変嬉しく存じます。 当ホテルでは、お客様に満足いただけるご滞在を提供できるようスタッフ一同尽力しており、お客様からのフィードバックを貴重なご意見として参考にさせていただいております。またのご利用をお待ち申し上げております。
Alvin Jaiyaseelan
General Manager
Strategically located at Jalan Lembong, which is connected to Jalan Asia Afrika, Jalan Braga and Jalan Merdeka, Crowne Plaza® Bandung represents the city as a business and tourist destination. The location is also within close proximity to the city’s business, government, historical, entertainment and shopping centres. The Crowne Plaza Bandung is a short five-minute walk from the historical site and Bandung City Landmark. Start exploring the surrounding by walking along Jalan Asia Afrika, starting from Jalan Tamblong and going through Jalan Braga. Stop by to taste, or even better bring home, Bandung’s all-time traditional culinary favourites, such as Batagor Kingsley, Pisang Bolen Kartika Sari, Sambal Hejo Natuna, and Sweet Cantina Ice Cream, which sells ice cream and cookies that are quite popular among young people. If you need a play space for your children, you can walk 500 metres to the city park. Taman Vanda and Taman Balai Kota Bandung are among the many parks in town that are kid-friendly. After spending time enjoying the atmosphere of Bandung, head back to the hotel, where you will be assisted by Jaka, the Digital Concierge, that will provide for your various needs during your stay at Crowne Plaza Bandung. You can also access information about the hotel, and order food, beverages and other room services.
4 / 5
Execellent service from hotel staffs
投稿者 paulin08 場所 Singapore
The hotel staffs are friendly and the executive lounge staffs are helpful and efficient
Dear paulin08,
Warm greetings from Crowne Plaza Bandung,
Thank you for sharing with us your thoughts on such a platform. We are very appreciate for your specific compliments over the friendliness of our staff.
It gives immense sense of achievement and honor that you are experiencing our hotel facilities and services during your time in Bandung, and we are very pleased to hear that you find your stay with us both relaxing and enjoyable. I will share your positive feedback with our team so that we can continue to improve our service and facilities.
Thank you again for staying with us, We would be more than happy to receive your future reservation.
Alvin Jaiyaseelan
General Manager
Strategically located at Jalan Lembong, which is connected to Jalan Asia Afrika, Jalan Braga and Jalan Merdeka, Crowne Plaza® Bandung represents the city as a business and tourist destination. The location is also within close proximity to the city’s business, government, historical, entertainment and shopping centres. The Crowne Plaza Bandung is a short five-minute walk from the historical site and Bandung City Landmark. Start exploring the surrounding by walking along Jalan Asia Afrika, starting from Jalan Tamblong and going through Jalan Braga. Stop by to taste, or even better bring home, Bandung’s all-time traditional culinary favourites, such as Batagor Kingsley, Pisang Bolen Kartika Sari, Sambal Hejo Natuna, and Sweet Cantina Ice Cream, which sells ice cream and cookies that are quite popular among young people. If you need a play space for your children, you can walk 500 metres to the city park. Taman Vanda and Taman Balai Kota Bandung are among the many parks in town that are kid-friendly. After spending time enjoying the atmosphere of Bandung, head back to the hotel, where you will be assisted by Jaka, the Digital Concierge, that will provide for your various needs during your stay at Crowne Plaza Bandung. You can also access information about the hotel, and order food, beverages and other room services.
4 / 5
Very Good
投稿者 krautdawg 場所 Menlo Park, CA
As a temporary stay in Bandung this place was great. I stayed two nights and enjoyed it.
There was some loud bass music playing on Friday night but besides that it was good. Also the BAR was closed but thats ok.
Dear krautdawg,
Warm greetings from Crowne Plaza Bandung,
Thank you so much for your review of our hotel. We appreciate your loyalty as a IHG® Rewards Club member and we truly value your positive review.
I am pleased to hear you enjoyed your stay with us. A positive guest experience is something our staff takes great pride in, so we value your feedback. We hope you will visit us again.
We also would like to apologize for the inconveniences you faced during your stay, as that is not up to our normal standards. Rest assure that the action for improvement has been taken to avoid such issues in the future.
Alvin Jaiyaseelan
General Manager
情報通なトラベラーのためのワヒド・ハシム通りのスマートインターナショナルホテル   インドネシア国内で成長中のホリデーイン・エクスプレスに ホリデーイン・エクスプレス・ジャカルタ・ワヒド・ハシム が新たに加わりました。160部屋からなる当ホテルは、KHワヒド・ハシム通りに面しており、MHタムリン通り、ジェンドラル・スディルマン、ガト・スブロト、クニンガン等のジャカルタビジネス街へ10分ほどの距離に位置しております。   サリナ・タムリン・ショッピングモール へは徒歩3分、東南アジア最大の織物市場である タナ・アバン市場 へは徒歩10分と、お買い物を楽しまれるお客様に喜んでいただけるホテルでございます。また、ビジネスでおいでのお客様には、MHタムリン通りやワヒド・ハシム通り沿いにあるムナラ・チャクラワラ(Menara Cakrawala) や ムナラ・タムリン(Menara Thamrin)などのビジネスオフィスや行政機関、及び スカルノ・ハッタ国際空港 へアクセスしやすいホテルでございます。   利便性の高いロケーションに加え、快適かつお手頃で、煩わしさ皆無の滞在をお楽しみいただけます。心地の良いゲストルームのほか、24時間営業のフィットネスルーム、セルフサービスランドリールーム、インターネットステーションなど多様な設備を併設しております。全室および館内全域にて 無料Wi-Fi をご利用いただけます。 無料エクスプレス・スタート・ブレックファスト や、お急ぎのお客様には朝食お持ち帰りのオプションもご用意しております。快適にお休みいただけますよう、各部屋には心地のよい特製寝具とハードとソフトの2種類の枕をご用意しております。
5 / 5
Good location and Comfortable stay
投稿者 arin maai 場所 Singapore
Room is just nice, comfortable bed. Breakfast was ok. There is a weighing scale at the lobby. Location is perfect, walking distance to Sarina and Tanah Abang.
Dear Arin Maai,
Thank you for spending your valuable time to write the review about our hotel. It is our utmost pleasure to hear that you were satisfied with our facilities and strategic location.
It is also a great pleasure to read your compliments about our comfortable bed.
We hope that you would still choose our hotel for your next visit and we will be very happy to welcome you again.
Best Regards,
Raisa K
Asst Marketing Communication Manager
サムイ島に新しくオープンしたラグジュアリーホテルで気ままなひとときを。紺碧の海と白砂のプライベートビーチを見渡す完璧なロケーション。「バーンタリンガム」(Baan Taling Ngam)、「美しい崖の上の家」とはまさにこの見事な9ヘクタールのリゾートを表す言葉です。プライベートプランジプールや有名なFive Islandとアーントーン国立公園の景観が楽しめるビーチフロントヴィラで快適にお過ごしください。のどかな熱帯のサンセットや、島のグルメ料理をご堪能ください。
4 / 5
A little in need of an update
投稿者 Hawkey 場所 Uk
Location is beautiful but a little remote.
Staff are friendly and helpful, training needs to be enhanced.
Food is not outstanding and relatively expensive.
Burger was awful very oily, sent it back and had a sandwich instead which was ok.
Seafood buffet was ok, I've had better actually searing the fish on the grill might enhance the taste. At the price highly overpriced.
Cocktails were sometimes good which begs the question why ?
Pizza is very good in Flames when eaten their.
I tried other food offerings but enjoyed restaurants outside the hotel more which was more to do with the quality than price.
Dear Hawkey,
First of all, I would like to thank you for highlighting the area that we could improve. You comments have many valid points which we can learn in order to improve our service. I have noted the problems you have mentioned and shared your feedback with the entire team. This is certainly not the highest standards that we strive for and rest assured, we will look into this matter closely to improve and avoid the reoccurrence in the future.
Please feel free to contact me personally to discuss further. Do let me know when you are planning your next visit to Samui and I could be any of your assistance.
Warmest regards,
Michael Shin
General Manager
 Holiday Inn Sandton - Rivonia Road
Holiday Inn Sandton - Rivonia Road
Welcome to the Holiday Inn Sandton, Rivonia Road, located in the heart of Gauteng’s corporate, financial and shopping mecca. This cosmopolitan hotel is in close proximity to OR Tambo International Airport, and 500 metres from the Sandton Gautrain station, which is 2 stops away from Johannesburg CBD. Close to attractions such as the Sandton Convention Centre, Sandton City Shopping Centre and Nelson Mandela Square, this is the perfect Holiday Inn in Johannesburg for any business or leisure guest. Our lobby features glittering handmade chandeliers and a 10-metre long fireplace where one can relax and surf the complimentary wireless Internet available to all guests. Within the lobby is our Chairman’s bar, the perfect spot to grab a hot cup of coffee and a delicious fresh pastry before you start your day. Indulge in a full hotel continental breakfast buffet at our Lettuce & Lime Restaurant, or enjoy a delectable meal from our a la carte menu paired with a bottle from our extensive wine list. Our state-of-the-art conferencing facilities and professional service combine to make this Sandton, Johannesburg hotel one of the most sought-after conference and meeting venues in the area. The hotel also has a 24-hour self-service Business Centre, and 7 meeting rooms which can cater for up to 200 people, including 3 conferencing rooms on the 9th floor surrounded by stunning views of the surrounding area. Our 9th floor is also the location of our famous Skye Bar and swimming pool.
4 / 5
Second stay at hotel
投稿者 Timtoo 場所 Toronto, Canada
This was the second time that I have stayed at this hotel. Returning because I knew that I would be well received. A good location, close to shopping malls and many things going on in the Sandton area.
Good day Timtoo,
Thank you for taking the time out to post your review, we are delighted to hear you came back, and hope we treated you as well as your first stay with us, if not better.
I am glad you find our location convenient and hope that this will soon be your home away from home
We look forward to welcoming you back in the not too distant future
Kind regards
Dudu Zondo
Front Office Manager