This is the first bad review I ever did with a Holiday Inn, I stayed in room 306, the room had a musty smell, and we had to keep the air conditioner on all night to keep the air moving. Two rooms down from us a lady had 3 dogs in the hallway. Seeing the dogs, I was wondering if the stains on the rug was from dog poo.
Monday morning at 510am the fire went off, at first, I thought it was a false alarm, but when the room started smelling like smoke and the fire trucks were outside, we grabbed our things and went to our car. Going down to staircases someone or some animal peed in staircase. After waiting about a half hour we decided to leave. We had late check out because our flight was leaving at 2 PM. But now at 550am went to airport and sat around for 7 hours waiting for our flight. I thought someone would reach out to us but no one did.
Bill W