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マレーシア初のホリデイ・イン エクスプレスがクアラルンプールの中心部にオープン   マレーシアで最初のホリデイ・イン エクスプレス ブランドのホテルとなる、Holiday Inn Express Kuala Lumpur City Centre 。383室を擁するこのホテルは、ジャラン・ラジャ・チュラン通り沿いの便利なロケーションに位置しています。クアルランプール市内中心部の「ゴールデン・トライアングル」と呼ばれるエリアにあり、世界的に有名な ペトロナスツインタワーやクアラルンプールタワーなどの金融機関や企業が集結するビルや、国際金融特区、クアラルンプール・コンベンションセンター などへのアクセスにも優れています。   またショッピングのメッカ、 ブキッ・ビンタン地区 の中心に位置しているので、 パビリオン、ロット10、ベルジャヤ・タイムズスクエア、スンガイワン・プラザ をはじめとするショッピングモールへも徒歩の距離。さらに チャンカット・ブキッ・ビンタン、ジャランアロー、中華街 などがホテルからわずか数分の場所にあり、お好きなエンターメントやお食事をお楽しみいただけます。   抜群のロケーションに加え、落ち着いた雰囲気の中、お手ごろな料金で快適なご滞在をご満喫いただけるのもこのホテルの魅力。ご宿泊のお客様には無料の朝食が付き、 「エクスプレス・スタート・ブレックファスト」 またはテイクアウト可能な 「グラブ&ゴー」 のいずれかをお選びいただけます。観光やお仕事の後には、 パワーシャワー で気分をリフレッシュ。当ホテル自慢の上質な寝具と お好みの硬さが選べる枕 で心地良い眠りをご体験ください。24時間利用可能なフィットネスルーム、セフルサービスのランドリールーム、ペイ&ゴーカウンター、インターネットステーションも完備。また、ホテル館内いたるところで 高速Wi-Fiを無料で ご利用いただけます。
5 / 5
Holiday Inn Express KL
投稿者 SFRM 場所 Vietnam
The service of the staff is really good and fast. They were very accommodating and helpful. The location of the hotel is also good as it is near the areas of interest in Kuala Lumpur. However, the food choices during breakfast is quite limited and I hope they can add more choices.
Dear SFRM,
Greetings from Holiday Inn Express Kuala Lumpur City Centre.
Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback after your recent stay. We are pleased you enjoyed your stay and we hope you will stay with us again the next time you are in the area.
Best Regards,
Yvette Wee
Express Assistant Manager
 Holiday Inn ChiangMai
Holiday Inn ChiangMai
A family-friendly Chiang Mai hotel with restaurants, bars, meeting rooms and wedding venues, located nearby to popular city attractions for both business and leisure travelers. Located on the banks of the Ping River, Holiday Inn Chiangmai offers 526 spacious guestrooms and suites featuring stunning city, mountain as well as riverside views. Featuring local and international flavours, guests can enjoy the hotel s two family-friendly dining outlets, while kids stay and eat for free. Unwind with refreshing drinks and delectable finger food at the hotel s lively bar that offer panoramic river views, or relax under the sun as you sip on cocktails at the hotel s pool bar. The hotel has various facilities, including a swimming pool, a fitness centre, saunas and steam rooms for a worthwhile stay. Those looking to host their events can enjoy the hotel s diverse indoor and outdoor spaces that can accommodate up to 1,000 guests. A mere 10-minute drive from Chiang Mai International Airport, the hotel is conveniently located nearby popular tourist attractions, including famous temples and the renowned night bazaar. Guests can enjoy complimentary shuttle services to the famous Night Bazaar and Chiang Mai s Weekend Walking Streets.
2 / 5
Location is prime
投稿者 Hari 場所 India
Location of this hotel is prime with great internet speed. Room is not good and food is worst
Dear Hari,

Thank you for being an IHG Rewards Club member and taking time to share your valuable comment with us.

We are happy that you appreciated the location. However, I completely understand your disappointment with the room and food. We give the utmost importance to our guest comments as they help us improve and continually provide the best experience for all our guests. Please be rest assured that we will share your feedback with the management team and make the necessary changes to avoid any further guest disappointment.
Yours sincerely,
Stella Jacobs
General Manager
 Holiday Inn ChiangMai
Holiday Inn ChiangMai
A family-friendly Chiang Mai hotel with restaurants, bars, meeting rooms and wedding venues, located nearby to popular city attractions for both business and leisure travelers. Located on the banks of the Ping River, Holiday Inn Chiangmai offers 526 spacious guestrooms and suites featuring stunning city, mountain as well as riverside views. Featuring local and international flavours, guests can enjoy the hotel s two family-friendly dining outlets, while kids stay and eat for free. Unwind with refreshing drinks and delectable finger food at the hotel s lively bar that offer panoramic river views, or relax under the sun as you sip on cocktails at the hotel s pool bar. The hotel has various facilities, including a swimming pool, a fitness centre, saunas and steam rooms for a worthwhile stay. Those looking to host their events can enjoy the hotel s diverse indoor and outdoor spaces that can accommodate up to 1,000 guests. A mere 10-minute drive from Chiang Mai International Airport, the hotel is conveniently located nearby popular tourist attractions, including famous temples and the renowned night bazaar. Guests can enjoy complimentary shuttle services to the famous Night Bazaar and Chiang Mai s Weekend Walking Streets.
4 / 5
投稿者 Sujianyou 場所 GZ, China
1) great river and city view in the room i stayed
2) fitness center is good
Dear Sujianyou,
Thank you so much for your review of our hotel.
We appreciate your loyalty as an IHG® Rewards Club member. It gives us great pleasure to learn that you had a great experience during your stay and enjoyed the great river and city view room and good fitness center.
Thank you once again, for choosing to stay with us and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.
Yours sincerely,
Stella Jacobs
General Manager
インターコンチネンタルホテル大阪は、西日本最大の都市大阪・梅田の中心を担う商業複合施設「グランフロント大阪」に位置するラグジュアリーホテルです。ホテルを代表するスペシャリティレストラン ピエールや、スタイリッシュなバー アディ ラウンジ&バー、シグネチャーレストランのノカ ロースト&グリルなど5つのレストラン&バーが、新たな食の体験をご提供します。50平米以上の広々とした客室から、 大阪のシティービューをお楽しみください。クラブインターコンチネンタルルームやスイートルーム、レジデンスなど様々なタイプの客室をお選びいただけます。
5 / 5
Intercontinental Osaka
投稿者 Steakster 場所 Tokyo, Japan
Excellent experience in a beautifully appointed hotel.
The rooms are spacious, and feel homey with a blend of traditional Japanese and Western comforts.
Great views of the Osaka area from the room.
Staff are courteous and quick.
Dear Valued Guest,
I would like to thank you for choosing our hotel and for taking time to share your review. We sincerely would like to thank you for your great comments about our hotel, and we are simply delighted that we have met your expectations. We are pleased as well to read that you enjoyed the glamorous aspect of the InterContinental Osaka , international vibes with precious local touches.
We sincerely hope that we will get the chance to welcome you back, please kindly let us know.
Please receive our very best regards,
Savino Leone, General Manager
 Holiday Inn ChiangMai
Holiday Inn ChiangMai
A family-friendly Chiang Mai hotel with restaurants, bars, meeting rooms and wedding venues, located nearby to popular city attractions for both business and leisure travelers. Located on the banks of the Ping River, Holiday Inn Chiangmai offers 526 spacious guestrooms and suites featuring stunning city, mountain as well as riverside views. Featuring local and international flavours, guests can enjoy the hotel s two family-friendly dining outlets, while kids stay and eat for free. Unwind with refreshing drinks and delectable finger food at the hotel s lively bar that offer panoramic river views, or relax under the sun as you sip on cocktails at the hotel s pool bar. The hotel has various facilities, including a swimming pool, a fitness centre, saunas and steam rooms for a worthwhile stay. Those looking to host their events can enjoy the hotel s diverse indoor and outdoor spaces that can accommodate up to 1,000 guests. A mere 10-minute drive from Chiang Mai International Airport, the hotel is conveniently located nearby popular tourist attractions, including famous temples and the renowned night bazaar. Guests can enjoy complimentary shuttle services to the famous Night Bazaar and Chiang Mai s Weekend Walking Streets.
4 / 5
投稿者 ben594 場所 china
Dear ben594,
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience during your recent stay at Holiday Inn Chiangmai.
It was indeed a pleasure serving you and we are delighted to know you had a great time with us. Your compliments on the service of our staff are highly appreciated. This is certainly an endorsement and a great motivation to the team to continue to keep up the good service.
We hope we shall the pleasure to welcome you back once again soon!
Yours sincerely,
Stella Jacobs
General Manager
 Holiday Inn ChiangMai
Holiday Inn ChiangMai
A family-friendly Chiang Mai hotel with restaurants, bars, meeting rooms and wedding venues, located nearby to popular city attractions for both business and leisure travelers. Located on the banks of the Ping River, Holiday Inn Chiangmai offers 526 spacious guestrooms and suites featuring stunning city, mountain as well as riverside views. Featuring local and international flavours, guests can enjoy the hotel s two family-friendly dining outlets, while kids stay and eat for free. Unwind with refreshing drinks and delectable finger food at the hotel s lively bar that offer panoramic river views, or relax under the sun as you sip on cocktails at the hotel s pool bar. The hotel has various facilities, including a swimming pool, a fitness centre, saunas and steam rooms for a worthwhile stay. Those looking to host their events can enjoy the hotel s diverse indoor and outdoor spaces that can accommodate up to 1,000 guests. A mere 10-minute drive from Chiang Mai International Airport, the hotel is conveniently located nearby popular tourist attractions, including famous temples and the renowned night bazaar. Guests can enjoy complimentary shuttle services to the famous Night Bazaar and Chiang Mai s Weekend Walking Streets.
5 / 5
投稿者 yaya6600 場所 广州
Dear yaya6600,
Thank you for choosing our hotel and for your kind words regarding our accommodation.
Your compliments on the room is highly appreciated and will be shared with the entire team team to keep them inspired. A positive guest experience is something our staff takes great pride in, so we value your feedback.
We look forward to welcoming you back for another memorable stay in near future.
Yours sincerely,
Stella Jacobs
General Manager
情報通なトラベラーのためのワヒド・ハシム通りのスマートインターナショナルホテル   インドネシア国内で成長中のホリデーイン・エクスプレスに ホリデーイン・エクスプレス・ジャカルタ・ワヒド・ハシム が新たに加わりました。160部屋からなる当ホテルは、KHワヒド・ハシム通りに面しており、MHタムリン通り、ジェンドラル・スディルマン、ガト・スブロト、クニンガン等のジャカルタビジネス街へ10分ほどの距離に位置しております。   サリナ・タムリン・ショッピングモール へは徒歩3分、東南アジア最大の織物市場である タナ・アバン市場 へは徒歩10分と、お買い物を楽しまれるお客様に喜んでいただけるホテルでございます。また、ビジネスでおいでのお客様には、MHタムリン通りやワヒド・ハシム通り沿いにあるムナラ・チャクラワラ(Menara Cakrawala) や ムナラ・タムリン(Menara Thamrin)などのビジネスオフィスや行政機関、及び スカルノ・ハッタ国際空港 へアクセスしやすいホテルでございます。   利便性の高いロケーションに加え、快適かつお手頃で、煩わしさ皆無の滞在をお楽しみいただけます。心地の良いゲストルームのほか、24時間営業のフィットネスルーム、セルフサービスランドリールーム、インターネットステーションなど多様な設備を併設しております。全室および館内全域にて 無料Wi-Fi をご利用いただけます。 無料エクスプレス・スタート・ブレックファスト や、お急ぎのお客様には朝食お持ち帰りのオプションもご用意しております。快適にお休みいただけますよう、各部屋には心地のよい特製寝具とハードとソフトの2種類の枕をご用意しております。
5 / 5
A good stay experience
投稿者 Parag 場所 Singapore
Good, friendly staff, well appointed, comfortable, cosy rooms, central location. I had a very good stay for 4 nights.
Breakfast could have been better.
There is no room service. Food ordered from the room is out sourced and is delivered only to the reception from where the guest has to collect himself.
Dear Our Valued IHG Guest,
Warmest Greeting from Holiday Inn Express Jakarta Wahid Hasyim!
Thank you for spending your valuable time to write the review about our hotel. We are delighted to hear your recent stay was meet your expectation and that you enjoyed the service and facilities especially our comfortable rooms and strategic location.
We value your feedback as it help us to impove what's important to our guest.
We hope that you will come back so we could have another opportunity to welcome you again.
Best regards,
Raisa K
Asst. Marketing Communication Manager
プルイト シティゲートはジャカルタのスマートインターナショナルホテルです。朝食と Wi-Fi を無料でご提供しております。 ホリデー イン エクスプレス ジャカルタ プルイト シティゲートは、人気のライフスタイル・ショッピング施設である エンポリウム プルイット モール に隣接するインターナショナルホテルです。レジャーやビジネスでお越しのお客様に、手ごろな料金でリラックスできる寛ぎの滞在をご提供いたします。 ジャカルタ市内の最高のショッピング、ダイニング、そして、活気のあふれるナイトライフスポットに容易にアクセスできる素晴らしいロケーションです。 スカルノ・ハッタ国際空港 からわずか 18 Km の距離です。また、人気の ウォーター ボム パンタイ インダ カプック、マンガ ドゥア ショッピングセンター、アンチョール テーマパーク、そして、バタヴィア時代が感じられる旧市街地 までお車で直ぐの距離です。また、プルイット中央ビジネス地区も近いので、お仕事でのご滞在の拠点として大変便利です。 客室は合計 297 室あります。各客室には、快適にお過ごしいただくために必要なすべての設備が備わっています。一日の始まりに、 無料エクスプレス スタート ブレックファースト 、または、「Grab & Go(グラッブ & ゴー)」オプションをお楽しみください。また、 ホテル全館で Wi-Fi を無料でご利用いただけます 。レジャーや会議で長い一日を過ごした後には、高品質の寝具でぐっすりとお休みいただけます。枕はソフトタイプとファームタイプからお選びいただけます。館内には、会議室 3 室、フィットネスルーム、24 時間ご利用いただけるインターネットステーション、セルフサービスのランドリールームの施設がございます。ご自分の思うがままに実り多い滞在をお楽しみいただけます。
4 / 5
2 Incidents stand out for me on this trip
投稿者 Hanz 場所 singapore
First 1 is of course the food.
I know Holiday Inn Express have no room service but maybe the front desk staff can actually let the guest know that they can get food at the emporium mall rather easily or they can choose to order via the limited menu in the room for food that is from the mall to dine in room. I think that would be nice.
Secondly the food for breakfast. For years i have visited this hotel and i believe the quality and the variety is the same no changes at all. Need to improve on that part.
Next point i was on my way back to my room one night and one of your guards doing some check saw that i was staying alone actually ask me if i want massage. I immediately reject him and he hurried away saying sorry. I am not trying to make him lose the job but hope the management please let them know some rules of what not to engage in.
Dear hanz,
We would like to thank you for choosing Holiday Inn Express Jakarta Pluit Citygate as your home in Jakarta..
Firstly we would like to apologize for the inconvenience and disappointment that you experienced during your stay, as that is not up to our normal standards.
We assure you that your feedback will give the opportunity to remedy any problem that may exist and help to improve our service further.
Your valuable input is really appreciated and you could believe that we will share your feedback and make the necessary changes.
In related with the guards, we have done fast action by check CCTV and call related person, and firm action has been done to avoid same case happen .
We hope this experience will not impair your trust in Holiday Inn Express Jakarta Pluit Citygate and that you will give us the opportunity of welcoming you and your guest again soon,
so we can show you our true level of service.
Stay Smart with us!
With my best regards,
Lidya Libertina
General Manager, Holiday Inn Express Jakarta Pluit Citygate
Experience Dubai's charming Jumeirah district when you stay at the Holiday Inn Express Dubai Jumeirah, close to the beach and the World Trade Centre. Our hotel is located 20 minutes by taxi from Dubai International Airport. Port Rashid Docks is just three km from the World Trade Centre and minutes wait with our complimentary shuttle bus from Jumeirah Beach. While staying with us, do not miss out on visiting the recently opened Museum of the Future. Kick-start your day with a free buffet breakfast at the vibrant Great Room and stay connected with complimentary wireless internet in our lobby or in-room internet. Welcome up to seventy delegates to your presentation in one of our two naturally lit meeting rooms or use the facilities in our 24-hour self-service business centre to prepare for your meetings. Our friendly 24-hour Front Desk staff are happy to help you plan your day, from providing Jumeirah Beach and shopping shuttle times to organising desert safaris or enjoying a night in Downtown Dubai or Madinat Jumeirah's chic bars and restaurants. You can as well mingle with friends until two am at The Brick Wall Sports Bar and enjoy international cuisine at the Great Room for lunch and dinner.
5 / 5
投稿者 Vmvndv 場所 Taiwan Taipei
Dear Our Valued Guest
Thank you so much for your review of our hotel. I am pleased to hear you enjoyed your stay with us. It's something our staff takes great pride in, so we value your feedback. We hope you will visit us again.
Mohamed Khater
Director Of Rooms
モーリシャスのこの素晴らしいリゾートホテルは、バラクラバ湾を一望できる白い砂浜に佇んでいます。海辺の屋外インフィニティプール、テニスコート、フルサービススパ、アジアフュージョンから地中海料理までお楽しみいただける5つのレストランがあります。ポートルイスでの民芸品ショッピングやGrand Baie地区の探訪のほか、Baie aux Tortuesでのシュノーケリングやダイビングなどの自然に触れ合うアクティビティにも理想的な立地です。
4 / 5
投稿者 Yass 場所 Ile-de-France
Très bon séjour pour un voyage loisir ou en couple, mes pour un voyage de noce peux mieux faire pas beaucoup privilégié, appart sa personnel très chaleureux et accueillant.
Cher Yass,
Merci beaucoup pour votre examen et pour votre fidélité en tant que membre de IHG Rewards Club.
Nous espérons néanmoins que cela vous aidera dans vos recherches.
Jiri B
Directeur des ventes et du marketing