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 Crowne Plaza Hotels &amp; Resorts Colchester - Five La
Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts Colchester - Five La
" Ein Hotel auf dem Land nahe Colchester und Maldon, mit zwei Golfpl tzen, Nachtclub und Fitness-Center Das Crowne Plaza Resort Colchester - Five Lakes Hotel bietet seinen G sten ultimativen Komfort und liegt weniger als eine halbe Autostunde von Colchester Castle sowie der A12 entfernt. Unsere G ste erwartet eine ppig gr ne Anlage mit knapp 130 Hektar Land, Golf-, Tennis- und Squashpl tzen sowie guten Verbindungen zu den Bahnh fen Witham und Colchester , die beide nur 20 Minuten entfernt liegen. Genie en Sie die friedvolle Szenerie rund um das Hotel und die N he zu Colchester. Der Colchester Zoo ist in 15 Fahrminuten erreicht. Die Marmeladenfabrik Wilkin & Sons in Tiptree verkauft s e Aufstriche. Das Hotel bietet kostenfreies WLAN und verf gt ber 15 elegante Tagungsr ume f r gesch ftliche Treffen oder Events. Unser Crown Plaza Meetings Director assistiert bei technischen und organisatorischen Fragen. Eine Arena bietet Platz f r bis zu 4.000 Personen und der Parkplatz kann 550 Fahrzeuge aufnehmen. Weitere Stellfl chen sind auf Anfrage verf gbar. In unserem Innenpool k nnen Sie ein paar Bahnen schwimmen. Das Fitness-Center , die Tennispl tze und das Spa bieten sich an, um Ihre Trainingseinheiten zu absolvieren, bevor Sie es sich bei einer k stlichen Mahlzeit in der Brasserie1 oder dem Grill Room munden lassen. "
4 out of 5
4 out of 5
Lazy Sunday break
By xxmandyxx from Witham
Excellent standard of food and plenty on offer. Exceeded my expectations would recommend. Very relaxing atmosphere, felt rejuvenated no complaints.
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on1 February 2017
Thank you for sharing your feedback on this media, following your visit to Crowne Plaza Resort Colchester - Five Lakes. We are delighted that all elements of your visit met and exceeded your expectations and you had a most enjoyable time with us.
I do hope that we can look forward to welcoming you back to Five Lakes in the future.
Thank you again.
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 Holiday Inn Express Berlin City Centre-West
Holiday Inn Express Berlin City Centre-West
City-centre hotel in popular Tiergarten, close to Berlin's major attractions The Holiday Inn Express Berlin City Centre-West hotel is located in historic Tiergarten, near Berlin s Zoological Garden and Aquarium. Berlin Tegel Airport (TXL) is less than 20 minutes drive from our hotel, which is an ideal base for families sightseeing in Berlin. We are close to several U-Bahn and S-Bahn stations and Tiergarten s famous shopping and dining scene is right on our doorstep, along with the animals in Europe s biggest adventure park. The tourist 100 bus stops almost outside, so you can also easily explore Berlin s 20th-century history at the glass-domed Reichstag and world-famous Brandenburg Gate , or catch the spectacular 360 views from the top of Fernsehturm TV Tower . At this hotel you can enjoy: - Inclusive Wi-Fi - Express Start Breakfast included in the room rate - A 24-hour Business Centre with computer, printer and scanner Cheerful guest rooms feature pillow menus and blackout curtains for a peaceful night s sleep for all the family. Kids stay for free so you can kick off your shoes and watch a movie or stay energised with a refreshing shower after a busy day out and about in the capital. Relax with friends and family in our informal Lobby Bar and there's a fully equipped meeting room for use by our business guests.
1 out of 5
1 out of 5
Da ist noch viel Luft nach oben
By xxxx from Germany
Man wollte mir ein Zimmer zur Straße geben, obwohl bei der Buchung Zimmer zum Hof angegeben war.
Am 26. war das Zimmer um 17h immer noch nicht gereinigt. Nach Beschwerde an der Rezeption war es dann um 18:30 notdürftig gereinigt, jedoch war der Papierkorb nicht geleert.
Die Heizung hat kaum geheizt, der Lüfter hat starke Geräusche von sich gegeben. Dies hatte ich am 26. morgens an der Rezeption mit der Bitte um Abhilfe gemeldet. Es wurde jedoch nicht unternommen.
Bekanntlich stinkt der Fisch ja immer vom Kopf her. Daher ist meine Vermutung, dass das Management des Hotels vollkommen unfähig ist und den Laden nicht unter Kontrolle hat.
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on1 February 2017
Lieber Gast,
vielen Dank für Ihre Zeit und Ihre wertvollen Hinweise.
Es tut mir sehr leid, dass wir Sie bei Ihrem letzten Aufenthalt nicht zufrieden stellen konnten.
Leider wurde Ihre Präferenz mit Lage zur Rückseite durch Ihren Buchungskanal Expedia Corporate Travel nicht an uns übermittelt. Wir hoffen dennoch, dass der vorgenommene Zimmerwechsel für Sie reibungslos verlief.
Wir bitten auch die versäumte Zimmerreinigung zu entschuldigen. Wir haben dies nochmals intern an die zuständige Hausdame weitergeleitet, um unsere internen Prozesse hierin zu verbessern.
Lieber Gast, wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie uns noch einmal die Chance geben, Sie von unserem hohen Standard überzeugen zu können.
Kontaktieren Sie uns auch gerne direkt für Ihren nächsten Aufenthalt, um alle Wünsche für Ihr Zimmer bereits vor Anreise umsetzen zu können.
Mit besten grüßen aus Berlin,
Dirk S.
Hotel Manager
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 Crowne Plaza Hotels &amp; Resorts Moscow - World Trade
Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts Moscow - World Trade
Businesshotel der Spitzenklasse in der Moskauer City Das Crowne Plaza Moscow - World Trade Centre Hotel mit Blick auf die Moskwa bietet Gesch ftsreisenden kurze Wege zum Regierungsgeb ude der Russischen F deration, dem Expocenter und dem internationalen Gesch ftszentrum Moskaus. Die Altstadt ist bequem zu Fu erreichbar. Das zentral gelegene Hotel ist perfekt f r kleine oder gro e Events mit bis zu 1500 G sten geeignet. Es verf gt ber sieben komfortable, multifunktionale Tagungsr ume mit nat rlichem Tageslicht und audiovisueller Technik, darunter vier VIP-Lounges im 20. Stock mit Panoramablick ber die Stadt. Der Crowne Plaza Meetings Director und flexible Catering-Optionen sind nur zwei Aspekte, aufgrund derer sich das Hotel bei den World Travel Awards als f hrendes Business- und Tagungshotel Russlands positionierte. Nutzen Sie Pausen im Terminplan, um die kulturellen Attraktionen Moskaus zu entdecken. Im Stadtzentrum finden Sie den Kreml und den Roten Platz, das Presnya Historical Memorial Museum und die Christ-Erl ser-Kathedrale. Erleben Sie Opern und Sinfoniekonzerte im modernen Internationalen Haus der Musik oder entspannen Sie im Gorky Park. Buchen Sie ein Clubzimmer mit businessorientierten Extras wie kostenlosem Fr hst ck und Horsd oeuvres.Trainieren Sie in unserem modern ausgestatteten Fitnesscenter, genie en Sie europ ische und russische K che sowie exklusive Cocktails, oder besuchen Sie die hauseigene Einkaufspassage.
3 out of 5
3 out of 5
By YuliaNA from Moscow
The receptionist didn't 't absolutely greeted me as a member of IHG Rewards Club,maybe because I stayed for my reward nights. The telephone operator didn't know any information about this program when I asked her about late check out till 2 p.m.
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on1 February 2017
Dear YuliaNA,
Thank you for your review of the Crowne Plaza Moscow WTC hotel.
Kindly be informed that according to our video and audio records your comments listed in your review are not confirmed.
Kind regards,
Olga Kusina,
Marketing Manager Crowne Plaza Moscow WTC
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Holiday Inn® Hasselt places you close to the city's central bars and restaurants. A 10-minute walk away, Hasselt station is served by local and regional trains. Brussels Airport is a 50-minute drive away and Liège Airport is just 35 minutes away. Around the corner from the hotel, Modemuseum Hasselt traces the history of fashion with collections from the 18th century to the present. Five minutes away, the Jenevermuseum examines jenever, Belgium's juniper-flavoured national liquor. Stroll past cherry trees and koi ponds in the Japanese Garden, a 20-minute walk from the hotel. Opposite the park, the Trixxo Arena hosts international concert and event programmes. Here for work? Host up to 250 delegates in the hotel's five naturally-lit meeting rooms. Catering is available upon request and there's free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel. Enjoy city or canal views from the stylish guestrooms of this welcoming hotel where kids stay and eat free. Start your day with a buffet breakfast in the hotel's modern Brasserie De Boulevard, and enjoy our traditional Belgian cuisine. Unwind with a mini gym workout or a sauna session before meeting friends for drinks at the bar.
3 out of 5
3 out of 5
great lobby, bar and breakfast but dated rooms
By Belgianize from New York, NY
the location is great. the bar is excellent and up to date. the hotel is quiet. the staff is very good and very nice. the room are just very dated. any type of elite levels in ihg give you no benefits in this property. at least they could provide free breakfast to compensate. they are other places to stay in hasselt
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on1 February 2017
Dear Guest thank you very much for the feedback you provided. Sorry to read that you were not satisfied about your room. Our 3rd floor is now completely renovated. The week you stayed in our hotel the final touch was realized therefor we were not able to provide you with an upgrade as a spire elite member to that 3rd floor. We are sorry to read that you were not properly informed about this situation. We will surely take care that this will not happen again. Thank you for mentioning that you enjoyed our bar/brasserie and the breakfast even as our staff friendliness. We hope to welcome you again when staying in Hasselt and then provide you with a much better service to you will be convinced of our best intentions at all times. Greetings, Filip Caluwaert general manager
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 Holiday Inn Madrid - Calle Alcala
Holiday Inn Madrid - Calle Alcala
لماذا لا تقيم في فندق هوليداي إن مدريد - كالي ألكالا Holiday Inn Madrid – Calle Alcala وهو أحدث فنادق سلسلة هوليداي إن ويقع في منطقة Calle Alcala المعروفة ويبعد مسافة مشي قريبة عن محطات المترو. يبعد فندق هوليداي إن مدريد - كالي ألكالا Holiday Inn Madrid – Calle Alcala نحو 15 دقيقة بالمترو عن وسط مدينة مدريد، ومعالمها الجذابة والشهيرة، ويمكنك السير بضع دقائق حتى محطة كال ألكالا Calle Alcala للأنفاق والوصول إلى حي مدريد المالي في أقل من 15 دقيقة إذا كنت تزور المدينة في رحلة عمل. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مكان لعقد الاجتماعات، سيقدم لك الفندق كل ما تحتاجه لعقد اجتماع ناجح. لدينا باقة كبيرة من غرف الاجتماعات المجهزة بالتكنولوجيا المتطورة التي تحتاجها من أجل عقد اجتماع سلس وفعال. يحتوي فندق هوليداي إن مدريد - كالي ألكالا Holiday Inn Madrid – Calle Alcala على كل ما تحتاجه للحصول على إقامة مثالية في مدريد سواء كنت وحدك أو كنت تسافر مع أصدقاء وأفراد العائلة، حيث يبعد الفندق 15 دقيقة من مركز IFEMA للاجتماعات والمؤتمرات وعن مطار مدريد باراخاس مما يجعله وجهة مثالية لأي رحلة من أي نوع. يقدم فندق هوليداي إن مدريد - كالي ألكالا Holiday Inn Madrid - Calle Alcala خدمة الوايفاي المجانية لكل النزلاء، كما يقدم خدمة الحافلة حسب الإتاحة ووفقا لجدول ثابت (متاحة فقط من الاثنين إلى الجمعة من الساعة 7:00 صباحًا حتى الساعة 11:00 صباحًا ومن الساعة 5:00 مساءً حتى الساعة 9:00 مساءً وهي غير متاحة في أغسطس والعطلات البنكية. يرجى الاتصال مباشرة بالفندق نظرًا لقلة الأماكن المتوفرة)
5 out of 5
5 out of 5
Great stay in a hip location
By gronky85
Very clean and comfortable hotel, with a great location near the Metro and a convenient airport shuttle.
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on1 February 2017
Thank you so much for your review of our hotel. I am pleased to hear you enjoyed your stay with us. It's something our staff takes great pride in, so we value your feedback. We hope you will visit us again.
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A welcoming Shepperton hotel near Heathrow Airport, a heated pool and 24-hour room service Holiday Inn® London – Shepperton hotel sits on 11 acres of leafy grounds including the natural meadow and Pond, near the M25 and M3. It's less than 7 miles to Heathrow Airport and direct trains connect with central London from nearby Shepperton Station and Walton-on-Thames Station is a short drive away. History buffs can explore Hampton Court Palace a 15-minute drive, and Windsor Castle half an hour away. Kempton Park and Sandown Park racecourses are within easy reach. Catch a rugby game at Twickenham Stadium or take the kids on the rides at Thorpe Park Resort and Chessington World of Adventures. Storyboard is designed for grand intimate occasions weddings, state of the art meetings and eclectric celebrations catering up to 250 Guests. At this hotel you can enjoy- Free WiFi. The YouFit Health Club- Kids stay and eat free. Modern comfortably rooms are designed to feel like home, with pillow menus and Smart TVs. Family rooms come with sofa beds Join a fitness class in the gym, have a swim, or relax in the sauna and steam room. You can enjoy Roots coffee all day long or unwind over an afternoon pint and TV sports in In The Wings Restaurant and Bar or outside on the Terrace
4 out of 5
4 out of 5
Good stay
By hoteliers from Oxford
Great location for a leisure trip will recommend this hotel to my friends.
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on1 February 2017
Thank you for your recent review. I'm glad you enjoyed your recent stay and look forward to welcoming you back soon.
Tom Hawkett
Operations Manager
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Holiday Inn® Telford - Ironbridge hotel is next to the International Centre Telford, with a restaurant, indoor pool and meeting rooms, and it is a five-minute drive from the M54 motorway. Also five minutes away, Telford Central station has rail connections to London and Birmingham. Birmingham Airport is 55 minutes away by car. Telford's iconic 18th-century Ironbridge is 10 minutes' drive; museums and historic sites along the Ironbridge Gorge hark back to the Industrial Revolution. Behind the hotel, expansive Telford Town Park includes a nature reserve, trails, fishing lakes, crazy golf and play areas. Here for work? Versatile, well-equipped and modern meeting rooms are ideal for presentations, and you can hold a banquet or event for up to 180 in the Reynolds Suite. Enjoy 55" TVs, free Wi-Fi and free on-site parking. Cash is not accepted. Children stay and eat free although terms and conditions apply. We offer rooms which have two double beds. Our ground floor rooms are dog friendly. Dogs are allowed in the e-bar and an area to the left of the bar. Our thoughtfully designed rooms are serviced daily. Revive Leisure Club has a pool and gym but requires pre-booking an hour slot to avoid disappointment. The Olive Tree restaurant serves breakfast and dinner daily, and our welcoming Open Lobby lounge has comfortable seating areas to relax. Sip a drink by the restaurant fire in winter or take in the fresh air on the patio in summer.
4 out of 5
4 out of 5
Business stopover
By BRH2 from Southend-on-Sea
Enjoyable stay as usual. Staff really make you feel welcome and valued.
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on1 February 2017
Dear BRH2
Thank you very much for taking the time to post a review after your recent stay with us and I'm pleased that your stay was enjoyable as usual. I hope to welcome you back soon. Kind regards, Lis Frost Guest Relations Manager
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A welcoming Shepperton hotel near Heathrow Airport, a heated pool and 24-hour room service Holiday Inn® London – Shepperton hotel sits on 11 acres of leafy grounds including the natural meadow and Pond, near the M25 and M3. It's less than 7 miles to Heathrow Airport and direct trains connect with central London from nearby Shepperton Station and Walton-on-Thames Station is a short drive away. History buffs can explore Hampton Court Palace a 15-minute drive, and Windsor Castle half an hour away. Kempton Park and Sandown Park racecourses are within easy reach. Catch a rugby game at Twickenham Stadium or take the kids on the rides at Thorpe Park Resort and Chessington World of Adventures. Storyboard is designed for grand intimate occasions weddings, state of the art meetings and eclectric celebrations catering up to 250 Guests. At this hotel you can enjoy- Free WiFi. The YouFit Health Club- Kids stay and eat free. Modern comfortably rooms are designed to feel like home, with pillow menus and Smart TVs. Family rooms come with sofa beds Join a fitness class in the gym, have a swim, or relax in the sauna and steam room. You can enjoy Roots coffee all day long or unwind over an afternoon pint and TV sports in In The Wings Restaurant and Bar or outside on the Terrace
4 out of 5
4 out of 5
Does what it says
By WAnthony09 from London
Not the most modern of hotels that I have stayed in but a nice, relaxing stay in a good location
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on1 February 2017
Dear WAnthony09
Thank you for your recent review of the hotel. I'm glad to hear you had a realxing stay.
I look forward to welcoming you back to the hotel in the furute.
Tom Hawkett
Operations Manager
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Holiday Inn® Telford - Ironbridge hotel is next to the International Centre Telford, with a restaurant, indoor pool and meeting rooms, and it is a five-minute drive from the M54 motorway. Also five minutes away, Telford Central station has rail connections to London and Birmingham. Birmingham Airport is 55 minutes away by car. Telford's iconic 18th-century Ironbridge is 10 minutes' drive; museums and historic sites along the Ironbridge Gorge hark back to the Industrial Revolution. Behind the hotel, expansive Telford Town Park includes a nature reserve, trails, fishing lakes, crazy golf and play areas. Here for work? Versatile, well-equipped and modern meeting rooms are ideal for presentations, and you can hold a banquet or event for up to 180 in the Reynolds Suite. Enjoy 55" TVs, free Wi-Fi and free on-site parking. Cash is not accepted. Children stay and eat free although terms and conditions apply. We offer rooms which have two double beds. Our ground floor rooms are dog friendly. Dogs are allowed in the e-bar and an area to the left of the bar. Our thoughtfully designed rooms are serviced daily. Revive Leisure Club has a pool and gym but requires pre-booking an hour slot to avoid disappointment. The Olive Tree restaurant serves breakfast and dinner daily, and our welcoming Open Lobby lounge has comfortable seating areas to relax. Sip a drink by the restaurant fire in winter or take in the fresh air on the patio in summer.
5 out of 5
5 out of 5
family break
By cellie64 from North Yorkshire
Exceptionally friendly and attentive staff in a hotel perfectly situated for a family break.. A regular traveller-I have high expectations of any hotel I visit but I'll definitely be going back to Telford!
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on1 February 2017
Dear cellie64
Thank you very much for your kind review and we look forward to seeing you again soon. I'm glad that you found our hotel was ideally suited to your needs for a family break.
Kind regards
Lis Frost
Guest Relations Manager
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 InterContinental Bucharest
InterContinental Bucharest
وحيث إن هذا الفندق ببوخارست يعلو فوق سماء المدينة، فهو يقدم مجموعة من وسائل الراحة الفاخرة. انغمس في حمام السباحة ذي التصميم الجميل مع آفاقٍ بانورامية للمدينة في الطابق الثاني والعشرين. تناول عشاءك في كورسو براسيري الذي يقدم قائمة أطعمة رومانية معاصرة وتحيط به جدران زجاجية تطل على مناظر بوخارست. ويقع المسرح القومي، والمدينة القديمة وحدائق سيسميجيو على بعد بضع دقائق من الفندق. وهنا، أنت أيضًا على بعد مسافة سيرٍ من مناطق التسوق والأعمال في بوخارست.
4 out of 5
4 out of 5
Kurzaufenthalt von 2 Nächten
By Karl60 from Zürich, Schweiz
Das Hotel ist etwas in die Jahre gekommen, jedoch sehr sauber, aufmerksam geführt, grosse geräumige Zimmer, gute Auswahl an TV Sender, gratis WLan. Das Essen am Abend war hervorragend!
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on1 February 2017
Dear Guest,
As an IHG® Rewards Club Member, thank you for your continued loyalty and for choosing to stay with us in Bucharest.
My team and I are happy to see that you enjoyed a pleasant stay at our hotel and you appreciated the large and spacious rooms and the excellent food.
Thank you once again for recommending our hotel and we are looking forward to welcoming you back in Bucharest!
Best regards,
Lior Bebera
General Manager
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